TITLE: Soliloquy (1/1) AUTHOR: White Star 2 (hila-p@barak-online.net) CLASSIFICATION: Songfic, Mulder Angst, Vignette RATING: PG SPOILERS: Demons, and general late season 4. SUMMARY: When Mulder takes off for his parents' summer home at the end of Demons, shit happens, and Mulder's had enough of it. ARCHIVING: Yes, please! Just let me know if you do. DISCLAIMER: They're not mine. Do you have to remind me? Yeah, yeah. They're 1013's. But right now they're here in this story and *I* rule their little world. And yes, I promise they'll be back on the Fox Studios lot in the morning. And speaking of not mine... neither is Les Mis or the songs from it, no matter how badly I wish that was the case. I'd be rich, for one... NOTES: First of all, I never thought I'd ever write an X-Files fic. And I never thought I would ever write a SongFic. And I never thought I would ever write something Les Mis related. And here, I've done all of them. This was sort of a wacky dare from my muse in an attempt to scare a friend. I still don't know if it worked. This story is dedicated to Aris Merquoni, my private Grammarcheck, who was the reason I came up with all this, and to Schonberg & Boublil and Herbert Kretzmer, who composed/wrote Soliloquy (the song... if you didn't know this, go see Les Mis! Now!) This reads best with Soliloquy from Les Mis on repeat. (Track 14, disk 2 in the Broadway recording and Tenth Anniversary recording; Track 10, disk 2 in the London recording; Track 22, disk 2 in the Complete Symphonic recording; Track 15 in the Highlights from the Symphonic Recording; Track 41 on the Japanese Red Cast recording; Track 16, disk 2 in the Original German recording; Track 19 on the German Highlights CD; Track 12, disc 2 on the French Concept Album; Yes, I am a fanatic. What gave it away? The fact that I spent 20min listening to snippits of the FCA songs because I can't read French?) * * * * * Soliloquy Who is this man? What sort of devil is he To have me caught in a trap And choose to let me go free? Mulder hugged his knees tighter. Pain was no longer the issue. Physical pain, at least. He'd stopped noticing that... it must've been hours ago. But the images that danced before his eyes, the thoughts in this head... He wondered why, above all. Why was he still alive? Why was he still in the Bureau? That Black-Lunged Son of a Bitch had more to do with it all than he wanted to know. Mulder had guessed by now he was behind practically everything. He'd also accepted he could do nothing about it. He still didn't like being a pawn in their sick game. It wasn't only him. They'd thrown Scully into it, too. Maybe they'd hoped she'd be killed. Maybe they'd hoped she'd drive him from the X-Files. But maybe, just maybe... The thought that worried him most is that this was just what they wanted. They wanted someone to keep an eye on their "project". Someone to investigate from the outside and report. Not to them directly, of course, but it was almost obvious that they had access to all of his work. He thought, for an instant, that it didn't matter. Either way, he found the truth. But like this, as someone's agent, wasn't right. It dirtied the work. It changed him. It made him more like them. That was what they wanted. That he'd become just like them. Just like his father, and perhaps more useful to the conspiracy than good ole' Bill Mulder ever was. If good ole' Bill Mulder was even his father. For a long time he wrestled with the surfacing images. He didn't want to think about it. Not when so much else was going wrong around him. His entire life was crashing down around him, and just now this had to come up. And his mother... a slap was a better answer than some of the things he'd gotten in the past. But it hurt. Not his ego, not his dignity. But just to think of it... It was his hour at last To put a seal on my fate, Wipe out the past And wash me clean off the slate. All it would take Was a flick of his knife. Vengeance was his And he gave me back my life! They could have charged him with murder. A double homicide trial would've surely gotten him off their backs. Maybe they couldn't convict him, but that shouldn't have bothered them. Something that big could've gotten him out of the Bureau, alone. He'd have nowhere to go. The Bureau was his life for more than ten years. It was almost home... Ironic that even at a place he'd considered home he was hated. Nowhere could anyone *ever* like Spooky Mulder. And out of the FBI, what could he do? Practice psychiatry? He didn't have a chance. He was bordering on neurotic, at best. No one would ever give him a license to practice. Police departments wouldn't take him. Everyone would want to know why he wasn't with the FBI. They'd look in his file, and there it would be - 'double homicide charge'. Proven innocent, maybe. Served five to eighteen, more likely. Five years in prison would be better than life in the real world. But they hadn't arranged for him to be charged. They hadn't even tried to connect him to the murder. How could they rule him out when he didn't even know if he was innocent? It was his gun. He was there. He was an accessory to the murder in the very least. They should have done something about it! He gripped it tighter - that same gun. He was so angry... angry at himself, angry at them, angry at the world... he was so angry he could shoot someone. Damned if I'll live in the debt of a thief. Damned if I'll yield at the end of the chase. I am the Law and the Law is not mocked, I'll spit his pity right back in his face. There is nothing on earth that we share, It is either Valjean or Javert! He couldn't live with the rest of the world. He just couldn't. They were as strange and different to him as, he imagined, he was to them. But he was one among the many of them. And there were so many of them... he just felt so alone sometimes. So alone he could barely breathe. It had been that way since Samantha disappeared. Once he'd liked it. He'd liked being different. It made him special. Now he was just strange. He was an outsider. He was Spooky. What angered him most was that the world always had to be right. And the world had to be sheltered. It was full of zombies, slaves to society, who cared more about their fancy cars and their fancy ties than what really went on around them. It was for them that he did his work. It was for them that he'd covered up his work. If the people wanted to live in a false sense of security, then the raving madman Spooky Mulder had to be wrong. If the people wanted to live in blissful ignorance, then that frantic lunatic had to be silenced. And he was. He'd been silenced too many times. So often, that he no longer thought the public deserved to know if they didn't really want to. But the truth took precedence to all else. And the people had to know. He'd lived by that for so many years, he couldn't abandon it now. While he didn't want to lie to them, he wasn't obliged to tell them the truth. He wasn't obliged to know the truth. Maybe ignorance *was* bliss. Maybe there was a way out for him. A way to forget all of it and start over. Or he could just end it. If only the tragedy had been his alone... He was kidding himself. It was his alone. Who would miss him? Who could miss an FBI agent, running around in secret, finding out the things people don't want to know? He'd be forgotten, along with his work. And no matter what, he'd carry the truth with him until the end. It was the one thing he could do. It was his one defense against the masses. He had the truth on his side. He had it in his hands. Or did he? How can I now allow this man To hold dominion over me? This desperate man whom I have hunted, He gave me my life, he gave me freedom. I should have perished by his hand, It was his right. It was my right to die as well. Instead, I live... but live in hell. The images resurfaced again. They were strong this time. The pain was almost unbearable. He couldn't stop them. Things he'd done his best as a child to forget. Things he didn't want to know about life at that age. Things he didn't want to know about his mother. What if that man - that selfish, manipulative shell with no soul... What if that was his father? Would that change anything? Would it change the relationship between them, that of hatred and manipulation? Of course not. It would never.... it *should* never. But he knew it would. That was why he feared it. It was one thing to know that his father was a chain-smoking maniac who had a major role in the conspiracy he'd worked so hard to uncover. It was another to know he'd been bailed out so many times because he was that man's son. He knew someone had to be protecting him, someone up the ranks. But he didn't know who, didn't want to believe. Or maybe he just didn't understand why. Now he knew. And he still refused to believe. He could make sure. He could order tests, confront his mother with the truth. But it was unwise to ask questions that have unbearable answers. He knew that on his flesh. He didn't really want to know. He just wanted someone to tell him that his father is the man he'd thought it was, and that he shouldn't worry. There was no one that could do it. And now he'd have to spend the rest of his life wondering. It wouldn't be a life. Every break he'd get, every time he'd succeed, he'd always be wondering. He'd always be looking over his shoulder. Did he do this himself or was it dear old dad's protection? It wouldn't be a life. And my thoughts fly apart, Can this man be believed? Shall his sins be forgiven? Shall his crimes be reprieved? Everything that happened came to remind him - what he was looking for wasn't there. It was impossible to reach. Sure, he'd gotten this far, but he didn't get there on his own. And he was still nowhere. For years he'd searched, and what for? To still be nowhere, so long after Samantha disappeared it was unlikely he'd ever find her? He'd never done it just to find her. It was a means of keeping him busy, a last hope at keeping him sane. They saw it. That's why they let him keep going. He'd been stuck on this impossible quest for so long. It isolated him, kept him from everything. He worked all day, he barely slept. He'd forgotten how to take pleasure from the simple things in life. And he trusted no one. He wanted to be able to trust, but he knew to much to have that luxury. He couldn't even trust himself. There were times he felt he could trust Scully, but soon enough, that wouldn't matter, would it? All he could do was go back to that world of tapped phones and propaganda and assassinations. Just flick on the paranoia switch and live inside his shell. He wouldn't survive very long. And the truth? What truth? He'd spent his life wanting to believe. But he had no proof, nothing tangible to show for his work. Now he couldn't believe anymore... And must I now begin to doubt, Who never doubted all these years? My heart is stone and still it trembles. The world I have known is lost in shadow. He'd wanted to remember. He'd wanted to remember so badly it hurt. He would've done anything for it. He almost did. Hypnosis he went through willingly. He put up with the dreams, the nightmares. He traveled and searched. He even agreed to be treated by a maniac like Goldstein. But he had to know. He needed the proof that it wasn't just little green men. He needed proof that what started it all was real. Otherwise, it was all for nothing. And so much of what he'd done over the years was unreal, even to him. He wasn't as open minded as he used to be. He was conforming. Maybe he was just realizing how wrong he'd been all these years. He *had* been wrong all these years. And what of their damn conspiracy? What did he really know of that? It was all mad theories in his head. Mad, just like him. Now this madness and this obsession were going to cost him everything. His job, his whole belief system, the life to which he had become accustomed over the years... and his partner. They'd been drifting apart for a while. And it was his fault. He should've been the one abducted. He should've been the one sick. Maybe if it were him instead of her he could have proof - any proof. An intact memory. But they wouldn't grant him that, even. She was strong, but this was one thing she couldn't beat. All he could do was stand aside and watch her slip away. He'd have to, eventually. He couldn't take it. She meant too much to him. He did love her. Or could have. Or would have. If they'd only had time. If his mind was only clear enough right now to really know. Is he from heaven or from hell? And does he know That, granting me my life today This man has killed me even so? So many people would have just been better off if he were gone. Scully, Skinner, Melissa, Samantha... he had that special talent - getting other people hurt. So many things could have been avoided. Scully wouldn't have been abducted. She'd probably be busy climbing up the ranks of the Bureau, scientific as ever and refusing to believe. Her sister would be alive. So many other people would have been alive. And Samantha... Samantha would be here. It was a good tradeoff, he thought. His life for all those who suffered because of him, and the countless more who were fated to suffer in the future. Samantha would have just gone on. She would have stayed away from the conspiracy. She wouldn't have known about it. That's where his parents had made the mistake. He should've been the one to go. He should've been the one not discussed. It should have been him! It was supposed to be him. His name was there, covered up by Samantha's. It should have been him. But it wasn't, and he didn't know why. Was it because of that man? Did he force his parents' hand in deciding? I am reaching, but I fall And the stars are black and cold, As I stare into the void Of a world that cannot hold. He really didn't know what had kept him there for so long. He shouldn't have been sane enough to work as an FBI agent. Or work at all. Or even be alive. He could see himself in an asylum somewhere, alone, forgotten. No one would care if he were gone.... even his own mother wouldn't notice. She had more important men to worry about. The conspiracy would have one less enemy, and the Bureau could close the X-Files for good. Maybe he should just let them all off the hook. But there was one thing that had kept him anchored to reality. He'd been closer to "sane" in the last four years than he'd been in a long time. Now that he gave it actual thought, clouded as his mind was, he saw it - the obvious. Scully. She'd kept him hanging on for so long, and he didn't want to think what things would be like without her. No time to start like the present... He could end up with nothing, no way to continue the work, no proof of anything he knew. He didn't know what he'd do. The X-Files were his life. But, on the other hand, he could end up joining *them*. But most likely, he admitted to himself, the thread he'd been hanging by would just snap. He'd have a long way to fall before hitting bottom. He needed Scully there to keep him hanging on. He needed her now, too. He needed an escape from what his mind was steering toward. But she wasn't there now. And soon enough she wouldn't be there at all. He was about to lose his only link to the real world, and in one of the most painful ways possible. And after that would come the great fall of Fox Mulder. Maybe he should just let them all off the hook, he thought again as he rolled to his back and pointed the gun to his head. I'll escape now from the world, From the world of Jean Valjean. There is nowhere I can turn. The barrel felt cold against his temple. His hand trembled. He shuddered. He hesitated. There is no way to go on..... * * * * * When Scully arrived, she found what remained of a head, attached to a limp body. She could've stopped it. She should have. She fished for her cell phone and made two phone calls - one to Providence's police department and one for Quonochontaug's. When she was done, she walked outside to wait. She couldn't bear looking at the bloody spot on the floor. She wiped a single tear from her cheek and didn't cry again for a long, long time.