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This page includes a review of all the episodes that include criminal profiling... or at least, all the ones I could find and watch and analyze to death. If anyone has a problem with spoilers, this is probably not the place to be.

Season 1

This episode mentions Mulder's history for the first time. So let's get into that, shall we? Mulder's an all around bright young man who got his undergraduate degree in psychology (and from Oxford, no less) and got recruited into the Bureau from there. Remember what I said the qualifications for a profiler are? (It's in the Information section, for those who forgot.) A profiler needs a graduate degree in a social science. For the FBI, those requirements are even stricter. Profilers are required to have a doctorate. Also, before applying for a job in the Bureau, one must have three years of job experience.

This is the first evidence we see in the series of actual criminal profiling in action. Early in the episode, Scully and Tom Colton talk about his profile leading them straight to the suspect. Believe it or not, profiles really do get this accurate! Later, he brings Scully on to the case and she presents her own profile of the killer..... hold it! Rewind! Am I the only one that sees this as inaccurate? Scully is an MD. I see why they'd bring her on the case, with the yanked-out livers and all. But her profiling all by herself? Profiling is a subject which requires extensive background in psychology and/or sociology and some years of field experience. Also, keep in mind that she's been a field agent for about a year and a half. (If you trust episode dating in the Pilot. The dynamics are played out like they've just started working together, which would mean Scully's been a field agent for only a few months.) They would ask her to pitch in for the team effort of profiling. They wouldn't let her do the whole thing by herself. (And even if they did, she as a responsible agent, shouldn't accept!)

In this episode we see the profile that's composed of the rather strange murder committed in the teaser. To quote the profile Agent Lamana stole from Mulder: "Now, there are a couple of elements for us to consider here: Both the statistical rarity of homicidal electricution and the complexity of the crime indicate a devious premeditation. After all, there are much simpler ways of killing someone. All of which leads me to beleive that our guy was some kind of sociopathic gameplayer, maybe even a recluse, since he designed a trap not only to avoid detection, but to avoid contact with the victim. Drake's final phonecall supports this theory." [plays the tape: At the tone, Eastern Standard Time will be 7:35PM] "Drake's estimated time of death." He is asked, "Why would Drake call for the correct time just before he died?" "It was an incoming call. From somewhere in the Eurisco building itself. Whoever set the trap wanted to make sure Drake took the bait."

First, here's some commentary on that profile, line by line:

Now, there are a couple of elements for us to consider here: Both the statistical rarity of homicidal electricution and the complexity of the crime indicate a devious premeditation.
This is true. However, the rarity of electricution goes to show the kind of person that they're dealing with, not the premeditation of the crime. It suggests that they're dealing with someone who thinks outside the box and isn't limited by normal concepts of murder and revenge.
After all, there are much simpler ways of killing someone. All of which leads me to beleive that our guy was some kind of sociopathic gameplayer,
Well, no. Gameplayer, maybe. But sociopath, no. Sociopaths are selfish and impulsive. While revenge certainly fits in with the selfishness, a sociopath wouldn't plan out a murder as thuroughly as this one was planned.
maybe even a recluse,
How did he get to that?! (This must be something that Jerry added on his own, right?) If anything, the evidence hints at someone who's been overexposed to the violence of modern society and has derived ideas from what he's seen. Possibly a compulsive video game player.
since he designed a trap not only to avoid detection, but to avoid contact with the victim. Drake's final phonecall supports this theory." [plays the tape: At the tone, Eastern Standard Time will be 7:35PM] "Drake's estimated time of death." He is asked, "Why would Drake call for the correct time just before he died?" "It was an incoming call. From somewhere in the Eurisco building itself. Whoever set the trap wanted to make sure Drake took the bait.

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7


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